Aktuelles und Neues:
Informationen über unsere Messeauftritte, neu entwickelte Produkte und andere wichtige NeuigkeitenCome and see us at Functional Fabric Fair in New York July 2019
Functional Fabric Fair, powered by Performance Days, is taking place in July 22-23 2019 in New York City. We are excited to be joining this growing and vibrant show, marking this the first time GAC exhibits in the Big Apple. With high expectations of the same...
mehr lesenUpdate from PD April 2017
Another Performance Days exhibition is over and it has been a lovely experience. We would like to share a quick update about the show and the latest trends. As ever, Performance Days, or PD, remains an exhibition different to the larger and more famous shows such as...
mehr lesenPerformance Days April 2017 are approaching
Performance Days is an exhibition focused around performance textile and as such, GAC cannot miss it! Twice a year, we come to this important show, especially as it is only half an hour drive from our representative office in Munich. We will be happy to welcome you at...
mehr lesenFebruary, the month of exhibitions
In February, GAC visited three different exhibitions to be in touch with our customers, business partners to meet new friends and show case our state of the art collection to numerous visitors. Which shows did we visit? GAC was present at Munich Fabrics Start, ISPO...
mehr lesenWe are moving!
The time has come to move to the new office, able to accommodate the growth of GAC and sustain it for the years to come.
mehr lesenFuture Fabrics Expo
GAC will be taking part in the Future Fabrics Expo in London! From 25th to 26th of January, you will be able to find our fabrics at an exhibition focused around sustainability and eco-friendly trends. Quoting directly from the FFE website: The Future Fabrics Expo...
mehr lesenOur fabrics elected to ISPO TEXTRENDS
our fabrics were elected by the ISPO jury for ISPO TEXTRENDS!
mehr lesenPerformance Days are over!
The Performance Days exhibition in Munich is over and we had a blast. We would like to thank to all of our visitors for taking the time and making this exhibition very engaging for us. We had a lovely time talking to you all – especially about our newly...
mehr lesenPerformance Days, here we come!
GAC 2003 is coming to the Performance Days. Please come and visit us, we will be waiting for you in booth 208, hall 2, in November 16-17 2016. The address is Ingolstädterstraße 45, 80807 München, Germany. You can come by car or use U-Bahn, exiting at Frankfurter...
mehr lesenGAC fabrics to be displayed in Première Vision Forum!
We are proud to announce that some of our fabrics have been chosen…
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